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We’re heading to Experimental Biology 2018
San Diego Convention Center April 21-25.

Come visit us at Booth #1136.

Tell us about your research and get $100 off any assay kit

Our Posters:


Genetically-Encoded Fluorescent Assay to Detect Drug Toxicity and Genetic Stress in Living Cells

Presenter: Kevin Harlen, Montana Molecular

Monday, April 23, 2018 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Poster Board Number: C269

Program Number: LB639


GENIe: A bright new genetically-encoded fluorescent biosensor for monitoring cGMP

Presenter: Montana Molecular

Monday, April 23, 2018 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Poster Board Number: C268

Program Number: LB638

More posters – Our sensors in use:

Transience of Antidepressant-Induced Gαs Signaling Potentiation Revealed by High-Throughput Real- Time cAMP Accumulation

Presenter: N. Senese, M. Rasenick. University of Illinois at Chicago.

Poster Board Number: C268

Signaling Bias and Antagonism of Pilocarpine for M3 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor

Presenter: A.N. Pronin, K. Wang, V.Z. Slepak. University of Miami.

Poster Board Number: C73

PDE8 Activity Regulates cAMP Signaling by β2AR But Not Prostanoid EP2 Nor EP4 Receptors in Human Airway Smooth Muscle

Presenter: T. Johnstone, M. Corpuz, A. Kazarian, F. Ehlert, R. Ostrom. Chapman University School of Pharmacy and University of California, Irvine.

Poster Board Number: C92

Inhaled Corticosteroids Stimulate cAMP Production and Enhance βAR Signaling in a Non-Genomic Fashion in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells

Presenter: T. Johnstone, M. Corpuz, A. Kazarian, F. Ehlert, R. Ostrom. Chapman University School of Pharmacy and University of California, Irvine.

Poster Board Number: C93


Can’t make it to ExpBio this year?