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Cell Painting Tools (Paints)

mNeon Green and Montana Paintbrush Red fluorescent proteins targeted to subcellular domains

Montana Molecular’s live cell painting tools – Paints – are a suite of fluorescent proteins targeted to subcellular domains. These tools enable visualization of subcellular structures and cell morphology in the context of drug discovery and disease research. Use the brightly fluorescent, organelle-targeted Paints to investigate drug effects, monitor metabolic activities, and identify disease-associated phenotypes.

  • Packaged in a BacMam viral vector for consistent, titratable expression in a wide range of cell types – including many primary and iPSC cultures
  • Easily co-transduce red and green fluorescent Paints, biosensors, and other BacMam-packaged constructs
  • Capture multiple timepoints in a single well
  • No fixation, staining, or cell lysis required


Red NSLPaint co-transduced with Green MitoPaint

A co-transduction of Green MitoPaint (#P1010G) and Red NLSPaint (#P1020R) in HEK293 cells

Mitochondria Cell Painting (MitoPaint)

Green or Red fluorescent proteins targeted to the mitochondria using the Cox8 motif.



Red MitoPaint (#P1010R) Expressed in HEK293s

Green MitoPaint (#P1010G) Expressed in HEK293s

Nucleus Cell Painting

Red NLSPaint (#P1020R) expresses the Montana Paintbrush red fluorescent protein targeted to the nucleus using an NLS targeting motif.

Green H2BPaint (#P1020G) expresses the mNeon Green fluorescent protein, targeted to the nucleus using Histone 2B (H2B).

Red NLSPaint (#P1020R) Expressed in HEK293s

Green H2BPaint (#P1020G) Expressed in HEK293s

Lysosome Cell Painting (Lamp2Paint)

mNeon Green or Montana Paintbrush red fluorescent proteins targeted to the lysosome using Lamp2. Green Lamp2Paint (#P1030G) is shown below, Red Lamp2Paint (#P1030R) is also available.


Green Lamp2Paint (#P1030G) Expressed in HEK293s

Golgi Cell Painting (GiantinPaint)

Montana Paintbrush Red and mNeon Green fluorescent proteins targeted to the Golgi using Giantin.

Montana Paintbrush RFP expressed in HEK293 cells

Red GiantinPaint (#P1040R) expressed in HEK293 cells.

Green GiantinPaint (#P1040G) expressed in HEK293 cells.

Cytoskeleton Cell Painting

Label cytoskeletal structures with mNeon Green and Montana Paintbrush Red fluorescent proteins fused to Tau, human Beta Actin, and Alpha Tubulin.


Red TauPaint (#P1050R) expressed in HEK293s. Green TauPaint (#P1050G) is also available.

Red BetaActinPaint (#P1060R) expressed in HEK293s. Green BetaActinPaint (#P1060G) is also available.

Green AlphaTubulinPaint (#P1070G) expressed in HEK293s. Red AlphaTubulinPaint (#P1070R) is also available.

Untargeted Fluorescent Proteins

Montana Paintbrush Red and mNeon Green are extremely bright, rapidly folding fluorescent proteins. They are ideal for evaluating transduction efficiency and optimizing expression in your cell type of choice.

Montana Paintbrush RFP expressed in HEK293 cells

Montana Paintbrush fluorescent protein (#P1000R) expressed in HEK293 cells.

mNeon Green fluorescent protein (#P1000G) expressed in HEK293 cells.