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BIO International Convention 2017

BIO International Convention 2017

The largest, most influential biotech Convention in the world is coming to San Diego, June 19-22, 2017. Montana Molecular will be there in the NIH Innovation Zone showcasing our best and brightest live cell assays. “NIH strongly believes in supporting innovative and...

Experimental Biology 2017

A few of our esteemed colleagues will be discussing their work with our cADDis sensor at Experimental Biology in Chicago. Attending the meeting? Check out these presentations!  Oral Session: cAMP Signaling Compartment: Adenylyl Cyclases as the Anchors....
Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting

Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting

If you will be attending the Biophysical Society’s Annual Meeting, don’t miss our presentation: Membrane Biophysics Subgroup 2017 Symposium Saturday, February 11, 2017 Room R02/03 Visualizing the competition between Gs and Gi signaling at the membrane...
Measuring dynamic and real-time cAMP levels

Measuring dynamic and real-time cAMP levels

Measuring dynamic and real-time cAMP levels using cADDis Real-Time cAMP Detection Here, we introduce a new fluorescent cAMP sensor, cADDis, capable of detecting dynamic changes in cAMP concentration in living cells. We have applied cADDis to use in a novel Gi assay...

ASCB 2016

We are showcasing our newest and brightest live cell fluorescent indicators for cell signaling at ASCB 2016. Happening at ASCB 2016 Annual Meeting: Theater 2 Tech Talk: Monday Dec. 5, 8:30 – 8:45am “Measuring dynamic cAMP levels with improved sensitivity using...

cADDis – A New Handle on Cilia Signaling

cADDis – A New Handle on Cilia Signaling The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published another new scientific breakthrough made possible with our cADDis fluorescent biosensors. Our sensors indicate changes in cell signals with changes in...