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Multiplex GPCR assays

Please join us in Orlando on January 14, 2013 at the annual  Society for Lab Automation and Screening conference. Montana Molecular will present, “A multiplexed fluorescent assay for independent second messenger systems: Decoding GPCR activation in living cells”, as part of the assay development and screening track. Montana Molecular’s Director of Research, Thom Hughes,  finalist for the annual SLAS Innovation Award,  will describe our latest series of single fluorophore sensors for multiplex GPCR assay.

A recent trend, in both basic research and drug discovery, is the measurement of multiple signaling molecules (second messengers) in real time and in relevant cell types.  Our latest series of cell-based GPCR assays advance this trend and provide researchers with the tools they need to unravel biased agonism or functional selectivity, pathway crosstalk, and allosteric modulation.

Based on single fluorescent protein sensors, these multiplex GPCR assays produce robust changes in fluorescence in response to receptor activation. The response translates to Z’ values greater than .5 on a Biotek Synergy MX plate reader. Single fluorescent protein sensors are generally more robust than genetically-encoded FRET based sensors, use less of the spectrum, and can be coupled with other single color sensors for simultaneous readouts of multiple second messengers.