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Dimerization Dependent Red Fluorescent Protein

Imagine the possibilities!  In an impressive feat of rational engineering and directed evolution, Spencer C. Alford from Bob Campbell’s lab at the University of Alberta developed ddRFP, a dimerization dependent bright new red that can be used to image...

Montana matches SBIR to build diacylglycerol assay

There are advantages to starting up a biotech company in Montana. For instance, companies like Montana Molecular that receive federal SBIR Phase 1 grants are eligible for state matching funds and can be used to help cover patent applications, business development...

Making the most of two photons

Excellent 3D resolution and minimal photobleaching made possible by multi photon microscopy are important advantages for fluorescence imaging in living cells. Until Misha Drobizhev tackled the issue, surprisingly little was known about the two photon absorption...

Multicolored Calcium Imaging

Looking for inspiration? Check out Yongzin Zhao’s’s elegant paper on how the Campbell lab expanded the palette of genetically encoded calcium sensors that modulate fluorescence in response to changes in calcium. An Expanded Palette of Genetically...

Montana Molecular selected for MBRCT Award

Montana Molecular’s breakthroughs in cell based assay technologies have been made possible in part by continued support from the Montana Board of Research and Commercialization. The proposal entitled, “An Integrated Platform for Cell-Based Drug...