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#U0261G AKAP targeted cADDis cAMP Sensor – AKAP18a


AKAP18a-targeted cADDis cAMP sensor. Genetically-encoded and packaged in a BacMam vector for consistent, titratable transduction into a wide variety of cell types.


U0261G is a fusion of the complete AKAP18A protein and the cADDis biosensor. In HEK 293 cells, the AKAP18a-targeted cADDis sensor appears to be localized to the plasma membrane and intracellular membranes.

Measure cAMP signaling in real time, in the living cells of your choice, with the AKAP18a-targeted cADDis cAMP sensor. An increase in fluorescence indicates increase in cAMP. cADDis is genetically-encoded and packaged in Montana Molecular's Big Sky BacMam vector for consistent, titratable transduction into a wide variety of cell types, including primary and iPSC-derived cell lines. Simply add cADDis to your cells and measure robust signals the very next day.

Materials in the Kit:

• Green AKAP18a-targeted cADDis cAMP sensor BacMam
• Sodium Butyrate, 500 mM in H2O
β2 Adrenergic Receptor BacMam with nuclear red label
• Isoproterenol 10 mM, in 10mM HCl

AKAP18a (Also known as AKAP7)

AKAP18a (also known as AKAP7) binds the RII subunit of PKA and anchors it to the plasma membrane. AKAP18a interacts with L-type calcium channels and has been implicated in mediating GLP-1 signaling in pancreatic beta-islet cells (Doyle & Egan, 2007; Fraser et al., 1998).

In the cardiovascular system, AKAP18a is involved in excitation-contraction coupling in the heart (Ercu & Klussmann, 2018) and in polarized endothelial cells, it is directed to the lateral surface of the plasma membrane (Trotter et al., 1999). 

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We strive for prompt delivery of each order, so we ship by FedEx 2-day service in lightweight, sturdy, and reusable/biodegradable packaging with an insulated cooler and moisture-resistant refrigerant gel packs. Shipping days are Mon-Wed so product does not sit in transit over the weekend. Web store ships to US & Canada only, contact sales for other locations.


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GPCR Assay References
cADDis cAMP Assay References