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Neurodegeneration Tools

Express bright fluorescent biosensors for cell stress and signaling with your neurodegenerative-associated protein of interest in your favorite neuronal culture or cell line. Examine ER stress, the UPR, and signaling biology in cells directly affected by neurodegenerative disease. Identify and optimize therapeutic compounds and express mutant proteins related to neurodegeneration.

Detect Disrupted Signaling in Neurodegeneration

Monitor changes in signaling biology from mutant protein expression and cell-based models of disease. Screen for compounds that restore normal cellular signaling. Examine disrupted cellular signaling associated with protein misfolding and ER stress.

cADDis cAMP Sensor expression in BrainXell’s iPSC-derived motor neurons from patients with ALS. The neurons contain the D90A mutation in SOD1

Cell Stress

Protein misfolding and ER stress are implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS and Retinitis Pigmentosa.

Detect ER stress from mutant proteins associated with neurodegeneration using our cell stress assays. Monitor responses over time and control for changes in protein expression with the Two-Color Cell Stress Assay.

Screen for compounds that inhibit or alleviate the stress response. The Two-Color assay is also a reversible indicator and can detect the onset and reduction of the stress response. 

Cell Stress differences over time in “normal” or “diseased” cells expressing either Wild Type Rhodopsin or Rhodopsin with the P23H mutation. P23H is implicated in Retinitis Pigmentosa. 

Neurodegenerative Proteins

Wild type and mutant proteins associated with neurodegenerative disease are available off-the-shelf in our BacMam vector. BacMam is an effective vector for expressing genes in primary and iPSC neurons, enabling detection in cell types relevant to neurodegeneration. BacMam allows for tightly controlled expression of these proteins, meaning they can be highly overexpressed or titrated to endogenous levels of expression. See below for example publications using Montana Molecular tools in neuronal cell types.

Are there other proteins you are interested in studying? Send an email to

Neuronal Cell References
Primary Cultures, iPSCs, and in vivo assays

Area Postrema Neurons

Astrocytes (Mouse)

Chromaffin Cells (Mouse)

Crz Neurons (Drosophilia)

Dorsal Root Ganglia Neurons (Mouse, DRGs)

in vivo and tissue slice neurons (AAV delivery)

Induced neural stem cells (Astrocytes, patient derived)

iPSC-derived Neurons

Medium Spiny Neurons


Schwann Cells (Human)

Striatal Neurons

Trigeminal Ganglion Neurons

Optogenetics: Light-Activated Adenylyl Cyclase

Express wild type and mutant proteins in your cells of interest, then use a bacterial Photoactivated Adenylyl Cyclase (bPAC) to manipulate intracellular cAMP.  Monitor intracellular cAMP levels and characterize changes in PDE activity using the red cADDis cAMP sensor. Request a Manuscript to see further experimental details, or see the Optogenetics page. 

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Contact Us

If you have any questions about using these tools in your cells or would like to request a quote, send us an email at We’re happy to help!